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Some books I recommend 

Euphoria - Lily King

Based on true life events of the iconic Margaret Mead. Euphoria follows three young archeologists
across tribes in New Guinea. As they begin to do some
of their best work, their personal lives simultaneously unravel. Euphoria certainly lives up to the title. 

Barbarian Days  - William Finnegan

From addicted surfers to those who have never touched a surfboard, Finnegan's work is a masterpiece about life, loss, and the drive for passion. He will capture you, bring you into his world and by the end, you'll return with a refreshed perspective. 

Sweetbitter - Stephanie Danler 

A coming of age novel set in New York City that will make you realize it's okay to not have your life figured out, to not know who you are after graduation. 

While romance plays a part it is never the focal point. Danler is explicit to remind us that while love is to be cherished it is not the only thing that matters.

The Mothers - Brit Bennett 

Struggles of female rights, the burden of choices, the struggles of race in America all come together in this master piece that will have you captivated.

Sex and Rage - Eve Babitz 

Eve Babitz is the woman responsible for some of the most truthful Hollywood writing that has ever been published. Her candid remarks and unique writing style shines in her novel Sex and Rage.   

The Circle - Dave Eggers

A not-so far fetched technology consumed society that covers everything from infringement of privacy to the power of those in control. The Circle is a must read!  

The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath

Get to know the iconic Sylvia Plath in the most raw, truthful, soul wrenching way. 

From her mind to her pen to the paper - edit free and completely fluid. Her thoughts manifest off the page. 

If you're a fan of Sylvia this book is essential. 

Consider The Lobster - David Foster Wallace

David Foster Wallace is a man of many talents. Known best for his genius works of literature these essay highlight his philosophical skills in the best possible way.

Too Fat Too Slutty Too Proud - Anne Petersen

The spark of a movement that has been a long time coming is perfectly portrayed in this empowering read. 

The Myth of Sisyphus - Albert Camus

If you enjoy the mind broadening work of an existentialist genius such as Camus this is a must read. Short essays full of deep questioning, the meaning of life, and what happens after death. 

I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings - Maya Angelou

Phenomenal, heart wrenching, literary gold that will make you feel a variety of emotions. Angelou takes you into her world in the most wonderful way.

Franny and Zooey - J.D. Salinger

One of my favorite stories of all time! Salinger's work is truly one of a kind. Family, relationships, and self-discovery. If you haven't read it, go out and buy it right now! 

The Rules Do Not Apply - Ariel Levy

Ariel Levy is not a woman to be ignored, and this memoir is the quintessential proof of that. The way she writes about life, love, loss, and career is admirable and inspiring. This biography is worthy of all the praise it has received.  

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